European trams

Potsdam, Germany

The Potsdam tramway network (German: Straßenbahnnetz Potsdam) is a network of tramways forming part of the public transport system in Potsdam, the capital city of the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany.

The network is owned by the public citizen company Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam (de)(ViP) and included in the fare zone "C" (Tarifbereich C) of the Berliner public transport area.

Trams are a mix of Siemens Combino and Variobahn trams with older Tatra KT4s


Tatra KT4 tram No:154 Tatra KT4 tram 251 near the Gleniecker Bridge terminal
Variotram No: 401 at the Gleniecker Bridge terminal Combino Tram 401
Tram 414 Variotram 421 at the Platz der Einheit
Tram 425 entering the Platz der Einheit Tram 431 at the Platz der Einheit
Variotram 432 Tram 433 at the Platz der Einheit
Variotram 435 Tram 435


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